Background / Extras Casting Agencies & Background / Extras Casting Directors for Film, TV & Media Production | Find the Best Casting Agency & Casting Director

Need background / extras casting agencies / services — background actors / extras — for your Film, TV & Media production? We have listed all background / extras casting agencies & casting directors, into this one page, to help you find the best casting services for your needs.


To view the ratings and more details, just click on the casting agency / casting director. ProductionBest assigns ratings from 0 - Avoid (lowest) to 5 - Excellent (highest). We strongly DO NOT recommend casting agencies & casting directors with lower than 3-star ratings.

Grant Wilfley Casting - Grant Wilfley - Melissa Braun - Jennifer Sabel - Allison Hall - Jackie Snyder Benz - Belle Jiao - Nikita Dolese - Katie Black

Waldron Casting - David Waldron - Tony Behringer - Stephanie DeCourcey

Roman Candle Casting - Todd Feldman - Lucy Pho - Hunter Lydon - Jaclyn Silvestri

Background Inc. - Jennifer Feraday

Everyset Casting - Rumala Sheikhani - Ebrahim Bhaiji - Lee Genick - Erica Ellingson - Alex Hannant - Hunter Lydon - Ralph Gregor Francisco - Katie Black

Comer Casting - Heather Comer - Michael Allen

Extra Extra Casting - Alison Watters

Wulf Casting - Matthew Wulf - Vanessa Hardy

Central Casting - Jennifer Bender - Melissa Leisure

Kipperman & Company - Jodi Brett Kipperman - Tisha Loli

Boston Casting

Hudson Valley Casting - Heidi K. Eklund

Kee Casting - Karen E. Etcoff

HBG Casting - Hilary Greer

Idell James Casting - Idell James - Zack James Cohen

JN Production & Casting - Gilleon Smith-Mercado

Amerifilm Casting - Meredith Jacobson Marciano

Rita Powers Casting Group

Nichole Porges

Barbara McNamara Casting

Deanna Gallucio Young

Alessi Hartigan Casting - Sande Alessi - Shayne Hartigan

Prime Casting - Heather Lynn - Andrew Stubblefield

Big Apple Casting - Sarah-May Levy

Amy Gossels Casting

Cast Partner

Foreground Inc. - Jennifer Feraday

Jeff Olan Casting

Paladino Casting - Kristen Paladino

Katie Griffin Casting

Sean DeSimone Casting

GMLV Casting - Gilleon Smith-Mercado

Genuine Real People Casting - Jill Strickman - Jennifer Kitchin - Gina Liotti - Sara Conte - Gina Boyer - Taylor Carey - Lucy Locke

Liz Lewis Casting Partners - Liz Lewis - Rachel Reiss - Angela Mickey

Carolyn Volpe

Atmosphere Casting

Lynne Quirion Casting

Nef Jones Casting - Nefertiti Jones

Impossible Casting - Craig A. Lechner

Gotham Casting - Michael Petolino

Ape Castings - April Rivera

Stacy Gallo Casting

AND Casting

Vitamin Enriched, Inc.

Jenna Kammo

O’Haver Company Casting - Jenny O’Haver

Burbank Casting - Michelle Gabriel

Canvas Casting - Karen Ryan

Background Talent Services - Debby Cohen

LAUncut Casting

Ohana Casting

Dan Bell Casting

Creative Extras Casting

Hawaii Casting-on-Demand - Johanna Bautista

Aura Casting - Taylor Hassen Lambert

Mill Ticket Casting

CDJ Casting - Caitlin D. Jones

The Casting Office - Tracy Kilpatrick

Shadow Casting & Productions - Shadow Holden Casting - Shadow Holden

Selective Casting - Lena Kaminsky

The New Cast - Amy Rebecca Lowles

Christine Nelson

Barbara Pfister

Creative Casting Agency - Jill Demling

LL Production & Casting - Lisa Leder

Cast Iron Studios - Lana Veenker - Eryn Goodman

Cornwell Casting - Jason Cornwell

Kendall Cooper Casting

Simon Casting - Claire Simon

DS Casting Company - Danya Solomon

DB Casting - Dina Buglione

Digital Dogs Casting - Robert B. Martin, Jr.

Hypmosis Visuals | Casting - Monica Pinto

Fifer Casting

Aaron Schoonover

HMH Casting - Lisa Roth

Everyset Background Casting

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