New York Casting Agencies & Casting Directors


See Production Services, Casting Agencies, and Casting Directors Ratings | Hand-Picked by Our Editors

To view the ratings and more details, just click on the casting agency / casting director. ProductionBest assigns ratings from 0 - Avoid (lowest) to 5 - Excellent (highest). We strongly DO NOT recommend casting agencies & casting directors with lower than 3-star ratings.

ProductionBest has zero tolerance for unfair hiring practices.

Central Casting

Background Inc.

Waldron Casting

David Waldron

Everyset Casting

Ebrahim Bhaiji

Grant Wilfley

Allison Hall

Grant Wilfley Casting

Lucy Pho

Roman Candle Casting

Jennifer Sabel

Comer Casting

Melissa Braun - Casting Goddess

Heather Comer

Todd Feldman

Tony Behringer

Peter Marinaro

Melissa Braun

Stephanie DeCourcey

Lee Genick

Jackie Snyder Benz

Belle Jiao

HBG Casting

Katie Black

Nikita Dolese

Extra Extra Casting

Alison Watters

Hunter Lydon

Jaclyn Silvestri

Kee Casting

Karen E. Etcoff

Jennifer Feraday

Meredith Jacobson Marciano

Hilary Greer

Amerifilm Casting

Idell James Casting

Barbara McNamara Casting

Michael Allen

Foreground Inc.

Rita Powers Casting Group

Shadow Holden

Deanna Gallucio Young

Nichole Porges

Cast Partner

Jax Kappeler

Matthew Wulf

Wulf Casting

Vanessa Hardy

Sarah Villarin

Kate Antognini

Ape Castings

Tisha Loli

Hudson Valley Casting

Guy Wernick

Ken Lazer Casting

House of Talent Casting

Sarah-May Levy

Aaron Schoonover

Creative Casting Agency

Jodi Brett Kipperman

Alessi Hartigan Casting

April Custodio

Amy Hutchings Casting

Jill Strickman

Big Apple Casting

Citrola Casting

Amy Gossels Casting

Heidi K. Eklund Casting / Hudson Valley Casting

Sande Alessi Casting

Paladino Casting

Katie Griffin Casting

Angela Citrola

Cody Beke Casting

Heidi K. Eklund

Christine Nelson

The New Cast

Kipperman & Company

Shay Nielsen Casting

Brooke Thomas Casting

Shadow Casting & Productions

Kristian Sorge Casting

CEM Casting

Elliott Goodman

Barbara Pfister

Hypmosis Visuals | Casting

Lisa Leder

Selective Casting

Donna Grossman Casting

Stephanie Holbrook

CDJ Casting

GMLV Casting

Binder Casting

Urban Productions Casting

Delphine Lewis

Genuine Real People Casting

Susan Shopmaker Casting

Tara Rubin Casting

LL Production & Casting

DreamCasters Casting

Katie Major

Casting Double

Caitlin D. Jones

Jill Demling

Liz Lewis

Tara Rubin

Rachel Reiss

Fifer Casting

Elle Jones Casting

Gilleon Smith-Mercado

JN Casting

Carolyn Volpe

Atmosphere Casting

Nefertiti Jones

Murnane Casting

Nef Jones Casting


Alina Mulvey

Impossible Casting

Craig A. Lechner

Kipperman Casting

Kristen Paladino

AZ Casting

Stephanie Klapper Casting

Andrew Hecht Media

Gotham Casting

Michael Petolino

Angela Mickey

Candice Edwards-Marchrones

Jen Halpern Casting

Amy Rebecca Lowles

Renee Torriere

Ralph Gregor Francisco

Emmi Litsenberger

Sylvia Fay/Lee Genick & Associates Casting

Liz Lewis Casting Partners

Jessica Daniels Casting

Kelly Gerson

April Rivera

Stacy Gallo Casting

Sabrina Safran

Fiona Cooke

Jill Scott

Allison Twardziak

X Casting

AND Casting

Vitamin Enriched, Inc.

Annie Delano

Rachel Silver Damanti

Jenna Kammo

outCASTING Media

Alison Franck

Stefanie Stein Casting

Mellicent Dyane

Dyane Foster Film & Casting

Sean DeSimone Casting

Kimberly Skyrme Creative

Jennifer Peralta-Ajemian

JS Casting

Monica Pinto

Donald Case Casting

Charlotte Arnoux Casting

Chana Klein

Everyset Background Casting

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