How to Become a Fitness Model

Fitness modeling is a lucrative field with many benefits. As a fitness model, you will have to meet strict requirements to be hired. However, if you can make it as a fitness model you will see great growth in your modeling career. Fitness models are in higher demand than ever before. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see fitness models filling your social media feeds, TV screens, and magazines. Fitness has become a hot topic in our culture. Especially with the public’s growing interest in fitness attire and accessories. If you want to be a part of this rising modeling field, you will have to put in the work. With our tips and advice, though, you can become a fitness model. We’ll teach you how to become a fitness model in 8 simple steps!

Top 8 Ways to Become a Fitness Model:

1. Research Fitness Modeling

Make sure that you are interested in fitness modeling before you go searching for jobs. If you are already passionate about working out, you won’t have to do much research. Still, you want to make sure this type of modeling is the right fit for you. Fitness models need to be in good shape and need to dedicate themselves to healthy living. They also need to have a certain look. For men, you will have to be tall to be a fitness model. Women should be no shorter than 5′ 6″. You should also look clean-cut and natural. But, we’ll get more into the look requirements of this job in the next section.

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2. Take Care of Your Appearance

Looks are everything in fitness modeling. You need to present a healthy and youthful look for potential clients. So, as a fitness model, you are expected to have clear skin, nice hair, and a good smile. Fitness models need to embody health and fitness. You can’t do that without taking care of your looks first! Ensure that every part of you looks good when you are auditioning for jobs. Go to the hair salon to get your hair done. And do skin and nail treatments to keep yourself in top form. You will become a fitness model much faster if you follow this advice.

3. Hit the Gym

Not only do you have to look good, but you need to look athletic. Fitness models have to be lean and they need to have defined muscles. To do this, you should hit the gym on a regular basis. If you are already passionate about fitness this should not be hard. Review your workout routine and see if you can make improvements to boost your physique. If you are new to working out, start slow, and build up your workout routine. It is never too late to build up muscles and get fit.

4. Eat Nutritious Food

In addition to working out, you have to eat well. We recommend eating clean foods that won’t cause weight gain or inflammation. In particular, you want to stay away from fatty and sugary foods. These types of meals will ruin any gains you make at the gym. Unhealthy eating also makes it more difficult for you to look lean. So, consider changing your diet. This will help jumpstart your fitness modeling career!

5. Look for Representation

In today’s digital world, Instagram models and other freelance models are approached often with fitness modeling jobs. Still, there is a lot of work and time that goes into building your own fitness modeling career. If you want to speed up the process and get modeling jobs soon, we recommend joining an agency. There are many modeling agencies that specialize in fitness modeling. They can help you get jobs and get into contact with companies you want to work with.

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6. Go to Casting Calls and Look for Jobs

If you are not currently being represented, though, start looking for jobs on your own. You want to open up your job options and make connections early on. This is only possible when you take active steps and go to casting calls. So, don’t be afraid to go to several casting calls in a single week. In fact, the more jobs you try out for the more likely you are to be hired. You’ll get a lot of rejections, but this is just a part of the process.

7. Practice Your Poses and Athletic Movements

Fitness modeling requires a different set of modeling skills. You want to practice conventional modeling poses, of course. But as a fitness model, you might be asked to do more sporty moves. This includes running, squats, and even weight lifting. You want to be prepared for your fitness shoot. So practice both athletic moves and poses in your mirror. Make sure your form is good and that you look professional. You can learn these skills during jobs, but it is much better to plan ahead of time! Look at shoots and ads featuring fitness models. This will help you get an idea of what you need to learn!

8. Put in the Work and Market Yourself

Fitness modeling takes hard work. Unfortunately, modeling gigs won’t just fall into your lap. So, you need to market yourself well. Instagram is one way to do this. You want to make an account for yourself early on. Take photos of yourself in fitness attire, and don’t be afraid to post your gym photos online. You can get professional photos taken, but this is not strictly necessary. Just having an account with natural-looking photos should be enough to get you noticed by an agent. Still, you want to take every opportunity to push your image out into the public sphere. So, if you can afford it, post some great professional shots of yourself. Wear athletic gear and do some fitness-related poses. If you want, you can even enter fitness modeling competitions.

Many agents show up to fitness competitions and pageants. So, this is a great place to try and market yourself. Even if you don’t win, you can expose yourself to agencies and scouts.